Remotely Piloted Aircraft System Certification Services

Remotely Piloted Aircraft System Certification Services

It incorporates relevant requirements governing the safe operation of RPAS as contained in the ICAO Annexes 1, 2 and 6 Part I and Annex 10 Vol. VI to the Chicago Convention and the principles of ICAO Docs 10019, 9668.

The NCAA issues Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Operations certificate for any organization that wishes to carry out commercial RPAS operations in Nigerian.

The Nigeria Civil Aviation Regulations (Nig. CARs) applicable to the application of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems;

·         Nig. CARs Part 1:  General Policies, Procedures and Definition:

·         Nig. CARs Part 21: Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems:  

The following Advisory Circular (AC) has been provided for guidance on the RPAS certification process

NCAA-GEN-007:  Certification For Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Operator     Certificate (ROC) :

To apply for Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Operations certificate (ROC), applicants are required to complete and submit to the NCAA the following Form and related documents:

· Form AC-AWS061: Pre-application Statement of Intent (PASI)/ Application Form:

·   Form AC-AWS061A: Application for Issue/Renewal/Variation of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Operator Certificate (ROC):