Noise Certificate Services
No person may operate a civil aircraft for flights across international borders unless it has a noise certificate. The NCAA shall recognize as valid a noise certification granted by another Contracting State provided that the requirements under which such certification was granted are at least equal to the applicable Standards specified in the latest addition of ICAO Annex 16 Volume 1.
The following Nigeria Civil Aviation Regulations (Nig. CARs) provide requirements for aircraft noise certificate:
· Nig. CARs Part 5: Airworthiness of Aircraft: https://ncaa.gov.ng/media/n1xn4tzg/nig-cars-ncaa-schedule-of-fees-and-charges.pdf
- NCAA Schedule of Fees 6.58 : https://ncaa.gov.ng/media/n1xn4tzg/nig-cars-ncaa-schedule-of-fees-and-charges.pdf
To apply for Noise Certificate, applicants are required to complete and submit to the NCAA the following Form and related documents:
· Form AC-AWS025: Application for Issue of Noise Certificate: https://ncaa.gov.ng/media/tl3hrbmu/form-ac-aws025.pdf