Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation...
No person may operate as a Continuing Airworthiness Management Organization (CAMO) without the prior approval of the NCAA. All Air Operator Certificate (AOC) holders must have CAMO approval as part of their AOC Operations Specification.
The Nigeria Civil Aviation Regulations (Nig. CARs) applicable to the application of CAMO
· Nig. CARs Part 1: General Policies, Procedures and Definition: https://ncaa.gov.ng/media/zhtfzpbf/nig-cars-part-1-general-policies-procedures-and-definitions.pdf
- Nig. CARs Part 5: Airworthiness : https://ncaa.gov.ng/media/gropb1a2/nig-cars-part-5-airworthiness.pdf
- NCAA Schedule of Fees 630, 6.60: https://ncaa.gov.ng/media/n1xn4tzg/nig-cars-ncaa-schedule-of-fees-and-charges.pdf
The following Advisory Circular (AC) has been provided for guidance on the CAMO certification process
Ø NCAA-AC-AWS030: Certification and Approval of Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation: https://ncaa.gov.ng/media/be1jgkmr/ncaa-ac-aws030.pdf
To apply for CAMO certificate, applicants are required to complete and submit to the NCAA the following Form and related documents:
Form AC-AWS030: Application For Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation Approval, Variation And Renewal https://ncaa.gov.ng/media/1ehhdxsw/form-ac-aws030.pdf