Certificate Of Airworthiness/Export Certificate...
A Certificate of Airworthiness shall not be issued by the NCAA unless there is satisfactory evidence that the aircraft complies with the design aspects of the appropriate airworthiness requirements.
A Certificate of Airworthiness for aircraft on Nigeria Civil Aircraft register shall be renewed or shall remain valid, subject to compliance with the system of inspection prescribed by the NCAA that requires periodical inspection at appropriate intervals having regard to lapse of time and type of service.
An exporter of an aircraft or an aeronautical product is normally required to obtain an export airworthiness approval from the Civil Aviation Authority of the State in which the aircraft is registered or in the case of a new aircraft or an aeronautical product, the State of Manufacture. The NCAA issues Export Certificate of Airworthiness to Aircraft and Engines.
The following Nigeria Civil Aviation Regulations (Nig. CARs) are related to Certificate of Airworthiness.
· Nig. CARs Part 1: General Policies, Procedures and Definition : General Policies, Procedures and Definition: https://ncaa.gov.ng/media/zhtfzpbf/nig-cars-part-1-general-policies-procedures-and-definitions.pdf
· Nig. CARs Part 4: Aircraft Registration & Marking: https://ncaa.gov.ng/media/0bmgxnff/nig-cars-part-4-aircraft-registration-and-marking.pdf
· Nig. CARs Part 5: Airworthiness : https://ncaa.gov.ng/media/gropb1a2/nig-cars-part-5-airworthiness.pdf
· Nig. CARs Part 7: Required Instruments and Equipment: https://ncaa.gov.ng/media/kxwjpm1d/nig-cars-part-7-instrument-and-equipment.pdf
- NCAA Schedule of Fees 6.9, 6.10. 6.11, 6.12, 6.13, 6.14, 6.51; https://ncaa.gov.ng/media/n1xn4tzg/nig-cars-ncaa-schedule-of-fees-and-charges.pdf
The following Advisory Circular (AC) has been provided for additional insight into Issue and Renewal of Certificate of Airworthiness:
Ø NCAA-AC-AWS002: Issue of a Certificate of Airworthiness: https://ncaa.gov.ng/media/vcfpmmky/form-ac-aws002.pdf
Ø NCAA-AC-AWS002A: Certificate of Airworthiness Renewal: https://ncaa.gov.ng/media/uuobobt3/ncaa-ac-aws002a.pdf
To initiate the Certificate of Airworthiness (C of A)/Export Certificate of Airworthiness application process, applicants are required to complete and submit to the Authority the following Airworthiness Forms and related documents:
· Form AC-AWS002A: Application for Issue/Renewal of a Certificate of Airworthiness: https://ncaa.gov.ng/media/c3sefgcx/form-ac-aws002a.pdf
· Form AC-AWS002B: Certificate of Airworthiness Issue/Renewal Aircraft Status Report: https://ncaa.gov.ng/media/rqdevtbn/form-ac-aws002b.pdf
·Form AC-Aircraft Systems and Equipment, Installations: https://ncaa.gov.ng/media/svphtpcf/form-ac-aws002c.pdf
· Form AC-C of A Folder Contents : https://ncaa.gov.ng/media/zghj1aps/form-ac-aws002d.pdf
Form AC-
Form AC-
·Form AC-AWS005A: Application for Export Certificate of Airworthiness: https://ncaa.gov.ng/media/5vpffvm0/form-ac-aws005a.pdf