Aircraft Type Certificate Acceptance Services

Aircraft Type Certificate Acceptance Services

Aircraft Type Certificate Acceptance Services

The NCAA may accept an aircraft type certificate or equivalent document issued by a State of Design in respect of an aircraft or aircraft component provided that: 

(a)  The type certificate or equivalent document was issued on, or is based on contracting state airworthiness code recognized by the Authority

(b)  Acceptance of an aircraft type certificate or equivalent document issued by a State of Design in this respect means that; the type certificate or equivalent document in relation to design, materials, construction, equipment, was issued on, or is based on contracting state airworthiness code recognized by the Authority. 

The Nigeria Civil Aviation Regulations (Nig. CARs) applicable to the application of Aircraft Type Certificate Acceptance

·         Nig. CARs Part 1:  General Policies, Procedures and Definition :

·         NCAA Schedule of Fees 6.48 and 6.49 :

·         Nig. CARs Part 7:  Required Instruments and Equipment :

The following forms has been provided for provide guidance and documents required for a Type Acceptance Certificate

· Form AC-AWS022C:  Aircraft Type Certification Documents Required :

·         Form AC-AWS022D: Guideline and Requirements for Aircraft Type Certificate Acceptance in Nigeria : 

To apply for Type Acceptance Certificate, applicants are required to complete and submit to the NCAA the following Form and related documents:

·         Form AC-AWS022B:  Application for Type Acceptance Certificate for Imported Aircraft: