Guideline for the Registration of Aircraft
An aircraft shall not operate in Federal Republic of Nigeria unless it bears the nationality and registration marks as required by the Civil Aviation Act and Nigeria Civil Aviation Regulations of Nigeria on registration and marking of civil aircraft.
The Nigeria Civil Aviation Regulations (Nig. CARs 2023) related to Aircraft Registration & Marking are:
Ø Nig. CARs Part 1: General Policies, Procedures and Definition : https://ncaa.gov.ng/media/zhtfzpbf/nig-cars-part-1-general-policies-procedures-and-definitions.pdf
Ø Nig. CARs Part 4: Aircraft Registration & Marking https://ncaa.gov.ng/media/0bmgxnff/nig-cars-part-4-aircraft-registration-and-marking.pdf
Ø NCAA Schedule of Fees 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 : https://ncaa.gov.ng/media/n1xn4tzg/nig-cars-ncaa-schedule-of-fees-and-charges.pdf
Ø Nig. CARs Part 7: Required Instruments and Equipment https://ncaa.gov.ng/media/kxwjpm1d/nig-cars-part-7-instrument-and-equipment.pdf
The following Advisory Circular (AC) has been provided for additional insight into Aircraft Registration & Marking:
Ø NCAA-AC-AWS001: Registration of Aircraft https://ncaa.gov.ng/media/14rbtum2/ncaa-ac-aws001.pdf
To initiate the aircraft registration process, applicants are required to complete and submit to the NCAA the following Airworthiness Forms and related documents:
Ø Form AC-AWS001A : Application for Certificate of Registration or Re-registration of Aircraft : https://ncaa.gov.ng/media/r4enek44/form-ac-aws001a.pdf
Ø Form AC-AWS001L: Indemnity : https://ncaa.gov.ng/media/o3vbkfdr/form-ac-aws001l.pdf
Ø Form AC-AWS002C: Aircraft Systems and Equipment, Installations : https://ncaa.gov.ng/media/svphtpcf/form-ac-aws002c.pdf
Ø Form AC-AWS002F: Statement of Compliance with Nig. CARs Part 7: https://ncaa.gov.ng/media/xzoiusq2/form-ac-aws002f.pdf