Guidelines and Requirements for Renewal of In-Flight Catering Service Licence (International Operations)

Guidelines and Requirements for Renewal of In-Flight Catering Service Licence (International Operations)




(i)      An application for renewal of In-Flight Catering Service Licence shall be made in writing to the Director           General, Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA).

(ii)     The application shall be signed by a person duly authorized by a body corporate.

(iii)    The application shall be submitted to the Director General, Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) on           or before a date not less than six (6) months to the expiration of the existing in-flight catering                     service Licence.

  1. REQUIREMENTSA. The application letter for renewal of In-Flight Catering service Licence shall contain the following particulars: 

(i)    Name and official company address (es) of the applicant, as               well as:

  • Applicants CAC Registration Number (RC)
  • Contact telephone numbers
  • Valid e-mail address(es)
  • Name and nationalities of Directors of the company at the bottom page

 (ii)  Airport(s) where the applicant operates and airport(s) for intended operation(s), if any.


B. The following supporting documents are required for processing the application:

(i)  Receipt(s) of payment of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Naira (N250,000.00),being non-                    refundable processing fee (Bank draft made payable to the Authority);

(ii)  Evidence of utilization of the expiring Licence during validity (eg records of contracts/supply of In-flight          Catering provisions to airlines);

(iii)    Duly completed renewal processing form (Form NCAA/DATR/IFCS.02) obtainable from the Allied Services Unit of DATR, NCAA;

(iv)    Current and commensurate insurance policy;

(v)     Curricula Vitae of new Director(s) if any (The new Director(s) will be required to go through Security                Clearance);

(vi)  List of any new, key operations personnel including Chef, Microbiologist, Quality Control Managers,                 Safety and Security Managers etc, with their Curricula Vitae, evidence of relevant qualifications/training         (certificates, etc);

(vii)   Evidence of revalidation of approval/certification in the last six (6) months by the National Agency for             Food and Drugs Administration & Control (NAFDAC);

(viii)  Evidence of revalidation of approval/certification in the last six (6) months by Port Health;

(ix)    The company’s updated Operational Manual containing the Standard Operating Procedure on the                    services being rendered;

(x)     The company’s updated Security Manual, which shall be in compliance with the National Civil Aviation              Security Programme (NCASP) and the relevant provisions of ICAO Annexes, such as Annex 9 on                    facilitation and Annex 17 on security;

(xi)    Copy of any new Service Level Agreements (SLAs) with airlines;

(xii)    Audited Statement of Account for the last three (3) years;

(xiii)  Evidence of refresher courses attended by the operations staff in the last two (2) years; and

(xiv)    Updated corporate profile of the company including the current organizational structure and                          comprehensive list of staff indicating the position being held by each.


(i)      The office premises of the company shall be inspected by officials of NCAA, prior to renewal of the                  Licence;

(ii)     Upon satisfactory fulfillment of the requirements for renewal, the expired In-flight Catering Licence                 shall be renewed for five (5) years; and

(iii)    Inspection/Audit of the In-flight Catering Services/facility shall be carried out yearly to ensure that set           standards are maintained.

The applicant may be required to provide additional documents/information on the services being provided, if and whenever the Authority deems it necessary.  







(i)      An application for renewal of In-Flight Catering Service Licence shall be made in writing to the Director            General, Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA).

(ii)      The application shall be signed by a person duly authorized by a body corporate.

(iii)     The application shall be submitted to the Director General, Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) on            or before a date not less than six (6) months to the expiration of the existing in-flight catering                    service licence.


          The application for the renewal of In-Flight Catering service licence shall contain the following                        particulars:

(i)      Receipt of payment of three hundred and seventy five thousand Naira (N375,000) being:

           (a)  N125,000 non-refundable processing fee; and

           (b)  N250,000 utilization fee at N50,000 per annum (Bank draft made payable to the Authority);

 (ii)     Duly completed renewal processing form, (Form obtainable from NCAA);

(iii)     Current adequate and commensurate insurance policy;

(v)      Curriculum Vitae of new Directors if any (Note the new Directors will be required to go through                      Security Clearance);

(vi)     List of any new key Personnel including the Chef, Microbiologist, Safety and Security Managers etc                  with their Curriculum Vitae, qualifications and related certificates.

(vii)    Evidence of registration of your company’s packaged foods (if any) with the National Agency for Food              and Drugs Administration & Control (NAFDAC);

(viii)   Updated Operational Manual containing the company’s Standard Operating Procedure on the services              being rendered;

(ix)     Copy of any new Service Level Agreements (SLAs) with the airlines;

(x)      Applicant’s updated Security Manual which shall be in compliance with the National Civil Aviation                    Security Programme (NCASP) and in accordance with the relevant provisions of ICAO Annexes  such              as Annex 9 on facilitation and Annex 17 on security; and

The applicant may be required to provide additional documents and information depending on the areas of services(s) being provided.



(i)      The office premises of the company shall be inspected by official(s) of NCAA.

(ii)      The applicant’s operational staff (Chef etc) shall show evidence of refresher courses.

(iii)     Upon satisfactory fulfillment of the requirements for renewal, the expired In-flight catering Licence                shall be renewed for five (5) years.

 (v)    Audit of In-flight Catering Services shall be carried out yearly to ensure that set standards are                       maintained.