The Directorate of Special Duties (DSD) is a hybrid directorate which functions as
both Technical and Non-technical.

The DSD among other functions, supervises the execution, implementation and
maintenance of the SSP and its related activities.

It carries out the monitoring and evaluation of all processes and procedures, quality
assurance of the system across the Authorities value chain to ensure efficiency and
effectiveness which enhances organizational excellence.

The DSD ensures efficient and quality conduct of internal audits of the safety
oversight activities in NCAA to ensure strict regulatory compliance with ICAO and
other globally accepted safety standards.

The Directorate promotes transparency and accountability in the execution of
projects monitoring and contracts evaluation.

It ensures continuous sensitization of general workforce in the Aviation Industry on
Aviation and Occupational Safety Management as well as monitor improvement in
safety activities using Key Safety Performance Indicators.

It establishes effective, clear policy and coordination to enable NCAA achieve
strategic objectives, manage resources efficiently, respond to challenges, identify
opportunities and build strong relationships.

The DSD is responsible for interfacing with other aviation agencies such as NSIB,
FAAN, NAMA, NiMET, NAF, Airlie Operators, AMOs, ATOs, etc., on behalf of the
Authority to ensure strict compliance with ICAO and other globally accepted safety