Flight Standards Group (FSG)
The Flight Standards Group within the Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) is a group of Directorates that have joint safety oversight responsibilities. The directorates are Directorate of Operations & Training (DOT), Directorate of Airworthiness Standards (DAWS), directorates/licensing-standards/ and the Department of Aeromedical Services (DAMS).
The main focus of the FSG is to ensure coordination and communication through the harmonization of processes and safety standards that will ensure effective and efficient certification, licensing and surveillance of aviation organizations and personnel.
The FSG in carrying out its activities will foster a culture of safety and operate as a cohesive group under the direction of the chairman. Efforts shall be made by the FSG to implement an open and fair regulatory system. Staff development and empowerment through qualitative training system to improve their performance shall be one of the main focuses of the FSG.
The activities of the FSG are guided by principles that will ensure the achievement of the NCAA vision and mission.
The functions of the Fight Standards Group include:
- to carry out joint certification and surveillance of air operators - scheduled and non-scheduled and charter operators especially in areas of AOC, ATO and AMO.
- to ensure the task of all technical directorates are carried out in a manner that conforms to highest standards of professionalism and integrity.
- to carry out planned audit of certificate holders and submit an annual report to the Director General.
- to advise the Director General on all operational matters relating to safety and investigation.
- to develop a Technical Guidance Materials (TGM) for the use of FSG inspectors.
- to specify and monitor operational safety standards in order to ensure compliance with international aviation safety standards.
- to liaise with internal and external organizations on matters that affect the NCAA.
- to ensure safety information to be circulated to the industry emanates from and is vetted by the FSG.
- to publish and circulate guidance materials to the industry.
- to submit periodic and analytical report of all certificated organizations to the Director General.
- to publish service standards on all the regulatory services of the FSG
- to develop a document control system that will ensure efficient tracking of operators’ documents within NCAA.
- To ensure that adequate and appropriate training is planned and conducted for the personnel in order to enhance the human capacity building within the FSG.
- Air Operators Certification and continuing surveillance.
- Certification of foreign air operators.
- Operation of foreign registered aircraft in private category (issuance of FOCC and MCC).
- Approval of Aviation Training Organisation (ATO).
- Training and Licensing of Aviation Personnel.
FSG works with DATR on all economic related safety issues and the following areas: (a) Provide information to DATR during phase 3 of AOC certification process for the processing of Air Transport Licence (ATL) and Air Operating Permit (AOP).
(b) Provide base inspection report of foreign air carrier for processing or Air Carrier Permit.
FSG works with Aviation Security and Directorate of Airspace and Aerodrome Standards (DAAS) on matters related to approval of security manuals, dangerous goods manuals and others. The FSG has established a Document Tracking Office and a document tracking system to track documents as they come into and out of the Authority for efficient service delivery.
Our Mission
To provide aviation safety and economic regulation in the most efficient, effective, quality and technology driven manner to the satisfaction and benefit of all stakeholders, consistent with the highest international standards and the sustainable development of the industry and national economy.
Our Vision
To be one of the leading civil aviation authorities in the world.